Things are starting to get personal.
In the last few weeks, I've been reading up on Professional ( or Personal ) Learning Networks , or PLN s. Essentially, a PLN is your digital network of professional colleagues with whom you can share information. PLNs can be made of blogs, social media like Facebook and Twitter, chat rooms, or other digital communities. But, here's the best part… your PLN is personal . Your PLN can be whatever you want it to be. Love Twitter, but hate blogs? Start your PLN on Twitter. Love Instagram, but can't stand Twitter's restrictions? Go with Instagram. Prefer to send Snaps instead of e-mail? You can even start your PLN on Snapchat! You get to pick who you want to learn from, and equally importantly, those with whom you'll share your knowledge. I understand that at first it sounds daunting. Go! Read! Build your PLN! (Ok, Dr. Robin didn't exactly say it like that.) But, really, it's not daunting at all. Read some blogs. Get some ideas. Hop on Facebook or Tw