That's one hot blog!

Let's be honest, not all blogs are created equal. Some are filled with tons of material, but lack in personality. Some are really well-written, but lack in substance. On occasion, they're a perfect mix of wit, personality, style, and content. Alas, the perfect mix for me might not be the perfect mix for you. I'm going to write this blog in the style that appeals to me, and hopefully, that style appeals to you, too. (And... if doesn't and you're forced to read this because Dr. Robin assigned you to my group, my apologies in advance!) 

You might already be starting to figure out the blogging style the appeals to me. I prefer a light, conversational tone, like we're old friends or colleagues, and we're just having a chat. This is actually quite a contrast to how I usually write professionally, but, in my opinion, a blog is meant to be much more casual than other professional settings. I'll try, on occasion, to be humorous, although I don't make any promises. (I think I'm pretty funny, but who doesn't laugh at their own jokes?) 

So, what really makes a blog engaging, especially a technology/training-focused blog? 

  • First, the blog style should have that perfect mix I mentioned above. If the delivery stinks, no one is going to stick around long enough to read the content. 
  • Next, the blog should be aesthetically pleasing, easy on the eyes. This includes layout, color scheme, and formatting. 
  • Let's assume the blog looks great and is engaging, what next? Content, of course! The best blogs are packed with useful or interesting information. In many cases, they're supported with pictures or infographics, too.  
As this blog progresses, I'll do my best to be mindful of what makes a blog truly engaging. Don't forget to share your feedback! 


  1. Your blog is great and I think I am pretty funny too, so hopefully we can have some laughs :) I would have never guessed that you have not blogged before based on your first few posts. I like that you plan on keeping it upbeat and maybe not so professional. I am over here stressing myself out to make it look perfect, maybe because this is for a class and I know a teacher will be looking at it. I like your approach and may just relax a little because I really enjoyed all of your posts. I look forward to working with and learning from you!

  2. Hi Kayla,

    First and foremost I like the way that your blog looks. I find it modern and fun. Second I agree that a blog is more focused on being casual and conversational rather than driven by research and using academic jargon. I think a blog is a good medium for sharing our learning experiences in a conversational way. - Lance


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