Let's face it-- as great a technology can be to assist with delivering training, it can be disastrous when the tech doesn't work. Picture this: Your employer is sending you to a conference in another state. You’re scheduled to attend several important training sessions. You're eager and ready to learn, planning to take notes and report back to your teammates when you return to work in a few days. It’s your first session, and you make it to the conference room, find your seat, and it's time to start! The speaker makes their way to the podium, begins their introduction, turns on the projector, and…. Well, they’re trying again to turn on the projector, and…. They cannot get the projector on, but they’re calling for reinforcements. Meanwhile, you're tuning out. Half the room is checking e-mail, the other half is on Facebook. By the time the session starts, it's too late. The presenter has already lost the audience, and it's going to be an up
As I've mentioned recently, quiz games, including Kahoot , are a great way to make learning fun, engaging, and to ensure your learners are retaining the information from your training. Kahoot! is my new favorite quiz game, for several reasons: It's so easy. You can create your first game in less than 10 minutes. It's user friendly, too! Even the technical un-inclined can use it. It's fun! That's the point, right?! It's interactive- which keeps your learners engaged. It's easily customizable. Customizing your Kahoot! only takes seconds. It moves at a quick pace and only take a minute to launch. It's a great low-pressure learning check. It doesn't feel like the students are being tested, but you'll be able to quickly gage their retention. Starting to sound like Kahoot! might be the right fit for you? Take a look and see what it's like below: What do you think-- is Kahoot! going to be included in your next traini
Greetings! Welcome to the inaugural post of my Tech4Training blog! Today, I'll start with a little about me and my blog. I'm Kayla. I like long walks on the beach and… kidding! I'm a supermom, career woman, college student. I love to train and instruct others, but I also love to learn! Hopefully this blog will be a little of each. This is actually my first real blog. Back in the day, long before Facebook and even before MySpace, I had a Xanga page, which was kind of like a Facebook-MySpace-blog hybrid, but without all the selfies. But alas, I've never actually written a "real" blog, even though I've considered starting one many times. So, here goes nothing! This blog is created for use in a college course, Instructional Tech in HRD. Most readers will likely be other students in the class, but if you happen to come across this blog and are not part of our class, I'm optimistic you'll still find something useful. This semester I'll be us
Kayla, I would have loved to watch your video, but it wouldn't work. Did you make it private by mistake?