
Quizlet- another fun learning tool!

Greetings, Before I get into this week's post on Quizlet, I want to acknowledge that this will likely be my last post on the Tech4Training Blog for a while, and I just want to thank my classmates for reading my posts all semester and sharing your feedback. It's been a fun ride. Alright... Now on to Quizlet. This is another tool that I'm planning to implement right away at work. It can easily be used to create study sets that can transformed into games and other learning tools. For my test run, I tried the Match and Gravity games. Gravity was a little tricky, but Match was simple, and has a lot of potential for learning applications. In a nutshell, you match a term with a definition. Although these are games, they're great for adult learners because they can help keep the adult learner engaged, while reinforcing key terms and volcabulary. One great perk of Quizlet-- they already have a huge database of created study sets you can use. I searched for lending study

FotoFlexer- image editing for the non-artistically inclined

Image editing is not one of my strong suits. In fact, I rarely even try, since I really have no idea what I'm doing. Today, I tried a new image editing site- FotoFlexer. FotoFlexer is perfect for the image editing novice. First, I did not have to create an account to get started, which is a big plus. They even offer a few sample photos to get started with, which I really appreciated. Here's a look at what I was able to do with FotoFlexer in less than 20 minutes: Original photo- Edited for "comic" look- Edited to be a little artistic- It's incredible how quickly I was able to edit the photos. I don't consider myself a very artistic person, but FotoFlexer allows me to really add a personal touch to stock images. This has potential in a lot of training programs to make my training materials more personalized and engaging.  I can't wait to keep editing and find even more ways to incorporate FotoFlexer into my training toolbelt.

The best of tech!

Check out this quick video of my reflection on what I've learned so far in this class:

Does your PowerPoint pop or fall flat?

PowerPoint is a staple of training and business presentations in today's world. However, PowerPoint should be an engaging, dynamic addition to your presentation, not just slides to read verbatim.  How do your presentations measure up?  Consider the following: Limit the amount of text. More images, less text is the way to go! Words and pictures used should be engaging. PowerPoint should supplement or accent the presentation. It should not dominate it.  Limit reading off slides. DO NOT READ WORD FOR WORD. Interested in learning more tips to improve your PowerPoint? Check out this video!

Too much tech?

For the last ten weeks, I've discussed ways to enhance your training using technology. But… how much technology is too much? There are many varying schools of thought on how much technology should be used in training, ranging from tech minimalist to all tech all the time . I find myself somewhere in the middle; I prefer a training program that is supported and accented by technology, but does not overwhelm the training. Here are few things to consider, as you determine how much tech is right for you: Does the technology add value to the training? Will the technology help me achieve my training objectives? Have I been successful with this tech before, or observed someone who has? Does the technology improve trainee retention of the material? Does the technology assist the trainer in presenting the material?  Do all students have the access to use the technology (i.e. smart device, wifi or internet service, etc)? If the tech fails or does not work, can I still comple

Why Kahoot! is my new favorite training tool!

As I've mentioned recently, quiz games, including  Kahoot , are a great way to make learning fun, engaging, and to ensure your learners are retaining the information from your training. Kahoot! is my new favorite quiz game, for several reasons: It's so easy. You can create your first game in less than 10 minutes. It's user friendly, too! Even the technical un-inclined can use it.  It's fun! That's the point, right?!  It's interactive- which keeps your learners engaged.  It's easily customizable. Customizing your Kahoot! only takes seconds.  It moves at a quick pace and only take a minute to launch.  It's a great low-pressure learning check. It doesn't feel like the students are being tested, but you'll be able to quickly gage their retention.  Starting to sound like Kahoot! might be the right fit for you? Take a look and see what it's like below: What do you think-- is Kahoot! going to be included in your next traini

Put Infographics to Work with Piktochart

I've previosuly mentioned one of my new favorite tools, Piktochart , but I promised there would be more to come! Now, it's time to deliver.  Piktochart helps you make eye-catching infographics for FREE! These infographics are simple to create, but have a very professional, polished quality. The free version of Piktochart includes several template choices, but you also have the option to upgrade to a paid version for 600+ templates.  Whether you're a student or professional trainer, Piktochart can create stunning infographics to make your work stand out above the crowd.  In my workplace, e-mail is the main method of communication. On any given day, I might send and receive 100+ messages. I'm constantly using e-mail to communicate important guidance to our staff, but sometimes those communications can be drowned out by all the spam, busywork, and less relevant e-mails that are received each day.  Piktochart allows me to ensure that my message is heard. The